Tuesday, December 10, 2013

basset hounds and frasier firs

this saturday my mom drove up to state college to rescue me and my
friends from studying for finals. together we all drove down the road
to tate's christmas tree/ basset hound farm where i fell
madly in love with the puppies. i mean, how
can you say no to those eyes?! 

a huge thank you to matt and nick for helping my mom
keep up her annual tradition of having a live
christmas tree.
 you guys are the best and
i don't know what i would do without you. 

merry christmas xxx

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

meet erin

meet erin, my sophomore year roommate 
and closest friend in happy valley. 

with the first week of school behind us, erin and i 
decided to goof around in our school's gorgeous
arboretum where erin showed me how incredibly talented
she is. seriously, i was so blown away. 

i've never photographed any form of dance (or movement
for that matter) and erin let me use her as my guinea pig. while
editing these pictures i was really overcome with how much 
i love this person. erin is absolutely my rock and has helped
me through so much in these first few days alone. 

erin, thank you for always listening to me and 
for making me so insanely happy. you 
are an amazing friend and person. 

all my love, 

Friday, August 16, 2013

virginia beach

my beach vacation with my dad's side of the family 
was dedicated to relaxation. we slept as much as 
we wanted, we ate what we wanted, we did whatever 
 made us happy. the whole week was very therapeutic for me, especially 
when my closest friend, rebecca,  joined us half way through the week. 

i regret not taking more pictures on this trip but instead i was more focused on 
getting some much needed r&r. what is pictured is just a glimpse into 
what a typical day included. dragonflies, home cooking and lots of ice cream!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


sorry for not having posted in a while! 

i've been very surprised to see that people are still 
looking at my blog everyday without me having to post. 
thank you! 

here are some generic butterfly pictures. when i 
was little i use to think that seeing a swallowtail 
was an omen of good luck.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

old orchard beach carnival

these pictures are very bittersweet for me. 

i had a beautiful night the night that these were
taken. feels like a year ago when it was 
actually less than a week. 

my heart is very heavy today.

Friday, July 26, 2013

msc. old orchard/ lenny the chocolate moose

here are a few more pictures from our beach vacation in maine

one of our many tourist-trap-trips was to see lenny the 
chocolate moose. lenny is sixteen years old 
and the size of a full grown moose. very interesting but i 
think i'll stick to my hershey's kisses.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

saco drive-in theater

okay, i am feeling so lame because this post only has three pictures but,
sunday night when we went to the drive-in in saco, i was
having such a blast that i really just forgot to take pictures. 

last year when my family visited old orchard beach, we knew there
was a drive-in but we never managed to get our butts off the beach 
and actually go! so, this year we made the drive-in top priority.

the movies? despicable me 2 and monsters university. top notch. 

i really miss drive-in movie theaters. back when we lived 
in state college there was still one around and i remember
sitting on the hood of our ancient volvo (that thing was 
basically a tank) all wrapped up in blankets.

 i mean, really, 
they're just awesome. and it makes me sad thinking about how my 
own kids will probably never get to experience a drive-in.

maybe if i ever win the lotto i'll make it my own personal vendetta 
to bring back the drive-in. maybe.

bob's clam shack

first stop on our maine vacation: bob's clam shack in kittery, maine.
after eight hours of driving we revisited this awesome dive 
(mom found it last year on diners, drive-in and dives) and i
splurged on the lillian special*.

i'm sorry for my lack of blogging but i wanted to hold off
on publishing these posts until we got home for safety reasons.
don't want to tell the whole world we're away from home!

i also wanted to point out that i've been afraid
that i've been over-editing my pictures so i didn't
touch these latest few. maybe i will later on in
the week but, who knows! 

*the lillian is the pile of fried deliciousness you see
above. also, my sister kathy thought i looked exactly
like the tourist-trap clam
